Blockchain Pioneers has announced the launch of the“Bitsclub Vision Program”(“BVP”), representing the new journey for Bitsclub, the first angel club on cryptocurrency, digital asset and blockchains in China. BVP aims to create a seamless connection between classical industry and blockchain. The founders of BVP spans the entire blockchain industrial chain and are formed by world-renowned entrepreneurs and leading organizations.

On 5th August 2018, Hitters XU, founder of Bitsclub and Nebulas has announced the launch of the “Bitsclub Vision Program”(BVP) together with SB China Venture Capital (SBCVC) partner Dr. Ye ZHOU, Danhua Capital (DHVC), Oneboat Capital and Odaily in Shanghai. BVP aims to create a seamless connection between classical industry and blockchain. In the past two years, the rapid growth of the industry has received extensive attention from classical industries which hope to upgrade their technology, transform business models, reward current users and revitalize existing traffic with the support of existing technology.

In order to solve these problems, Bitsclub, the first angel club on cryptocurrency & digital assets in China, together with senior experts, investment institutions and industry media initiated the Bitsclub Vision Program. ATP will help solve the problem of information asymmetry which will facilitate the transformation of classical industries, drive the paradigm shift and generate new value for the industry. The founders of BVP are formed by renowned entrepreneurs and leading organizations of the blockchain industry who span the entire industrial chain.

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