Recent reports suggest that more institutions for higher learning are now incorporating cryptocurrency classes in their curriculum. 

This inclusion is intended to give students a chance to take classes and learn more about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

Universities like Stanford and MIT and Cornell are teaching more and more cryptocurrency-related classes. As the leaders of innovative ideas and technology, institutions of higher learning have revolutionized the world in every generation. 

Cryptocurrency is the New Growing Trend

In the last ten years, blockchain technology and cryptocurrency were mostly unknown to the general population. Only curious developers and smart innovators were experimenting on the blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. 

The creation of Bitcoin in 2009 changed the perception of cryptocurrency from just as an idea into an executable reality. There are now several cryptocurrencies and exchange platforms that are certified by a financial institution as a form of currency. Bitcoin is in the lead as the most popular crypto coin. Others include Litecoin, Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash.

Nina Willdorf, the Director of Content and Editorial at Coinbase, said last year, Bitcoin was the most researched word on Google in the US, ahead of the royal wedding and election results:

“Cryptocurrency technology is becoming more and more part of the mainstream where we found that 58% of Americans have heard about Bitcoin. This is a rising trend as more people are being driven by curiosity and want to understand the future of finance, new alternatives, and new ways of investing money.”

Scholarly Awareness Is the Key to Promote Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Awareness

Coinbase conducted a study to find out what is happening on campuses concerning cryptocurrency awareness by surveying the top 50 global universities and colleges. They found out that there is a 14% rise from last year, in the number of institutions that are teaching blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. 

The interesting fact is that the need for classes is driven by students’ demands, who want to understand the mystery of blockchain technology. Young people constitute the majority of the students in institutions of higher learning. 

Young people tend to be more innovative and adoptive of new technologies. Therefore, helping young people to understand blockchain technology is critical to promoting its adoption. Also, this awareness will open people to incorporate the technology into financial transactions systems and many of the other potential application areas for blockchain. 

Willdorf added;

“Students are looking to get smart and find a field where they can find work and shape their career fields by becoming leaders.”

South Africa and its Push For Cryptocurrencies

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