If you’re a cryptocurrency enthusiast, a gaming community member or both, chances are, you’ve already heard about the technology company that is Refereum.

If not, then read on, this article might enlighten you as to the company which is currently solving a trillion dollar problem in affiliate and referral marketing.

Refereum is a startup team of gamers, and crypto enthusiasts who create innovative solutions to bring brands and their communities together. Their core mission is to create a future wherein every interaction with a product, service or company is fun and rewarding to the user.

Founded in 2018, the Refereum team curated by CEO Dylan Jones is one made up of some of the best engineering, product and industry experts, all of whom, thrive in building communities utilising effective marketing.

The company currently features a number of products and services. Starting in January 2018, the startup launched the $RFR token which users can use to purchase games on the blockchain. Following this, in March 2018, Refereum launched its successful token sale. As of today, the startup has successfully expanded to an office in San Francisco, maxed out their Telegram network three times, released the alpha & beta versions of the Refereum Growth Engine which is fueled by $RFR and have reached the milestone of 1,000, 000 users.

Using the RFR token ($RFR), Refereum provides individuals with the value they genuinely deserve via on-chain attribution. The $RFR token also fuels all their products, including the game purchase and marketing tied to Refereum.com, their outstanding Refereum Growth Engine, the usage of their Twitch Extension and their Telegram Trivia Bot.

Furthermore, Refereum’s unique Growth Engine is a community engagement tool which members of the community helped create. Refereum has grown to be one of the largest and most prosperous communities in crypto, by attracting hundreds of thousands of users, who actively engaged in their mission to reward the individual user instead of the corporation.

Coinbeat is honoured to be a partner to Refereum as they usher in a new level of community-driven projects all in the name of rewarding the individual for their interest and enthusiasm for all things gaming, crypto and ultimately blockchain. Visit the Website here

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