Ransomware attacks are not new to the U.S. government. Just recently, Texas, Baltimore, and Atlanta were victims of such an attack, which usually brings down the computer systems, crippling all computer operations.

Ransomware is a type of computer virus. During an attack, the infected computer is usually locked out until the hacker receives some payment. Often, the fee is in the form of cryptocurrency.

Following the recent history of attacks, the U.S. government fears that the 2020 elections will be riddled with ransomware attacks. According to intelligence officials, hackers may attempt to use the attacks to not only target databases but to manipulate, disrupt, or destroy the data.

U.S. Officials Move

The Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency, CISA, a branch of the Homeland Security Agency, is determined to monitor database and private sectors associated with electoral officials closely. This will help prevent any attack on their databases. 

The FBI also endorsed the CISA move stating that it is vital for electoral officials to minimize access to electoral systems information or the administrative procedures. The FBI also urged officials to secure their websites and databases that are vulnerable to exploitation.

The Election Manipulation

John Sebes, the Chief Technology Officer at CISA, mentioned that a pre-election attack by the ransomware could lead to interference with the voters’ list. This interference would create a verse confusion and delays in transmission.  Ultimately, it could lead to significant controversies in the election validity.

Sebes also raised the concern that both the local governments and national governments that handle the voter records are not well equipped to avoid ransomware attacks. The systems that keep the voters’ records are necessary to validate elections. It is believed that Russian hackers gained access to these systems back in 2016.

Blockchain as a Solution for Voter Fraud

Although Blockchain technology was initially designed for the financial systems, it may be the solution needed to curb voter fraud and other election irregularities.

Adam Ernest, the CEO of FollowMyVote, mentioned that online voting could be made secure using blockchain technology. FollowMyVote is based in Virginia and is an organization that focuses on the development of an online open-source and transparent voting platform.

According to the CEO, blockchain technology can record votes in real-time through the use of a token. The token can then be stored in the wallet of the chosen candidate. BitCongress, which also uses the blockchain technology, is also a firm believer that through Blockchain, online voting can be made secure.

The token, referred to as the VOTE, is recorded once and cannot be changed. This prevents vote manipulation or voting twice by one individual. Blockchains database is incorruptible and has accountability for every record. Because the Blockchain network is not centralized, there are minimal chances of the manipulation of the election data by one party.

Blockchain doesn’t only do financial transmission but also the transmission of any data. The technology also allows voters to submit their choices without revealing their identity. BitCongress also has built-in additional capabilities that enable the citizens to express their opinions on various public topics. 

Blockchain technology can also be used to create direct democracy. It gives citizens the power to decide on policies rather than being represented.  The system would also help in managing and engaging a constituency. This not only produces an accountable outcome but also encourages citizens to participate in their communities.

U.S. Sceptical on the Use of Blockchain Technology

Ever since the emergence of Blockchain technology, there have been different practical applications. Through these applications, the technology has helped improve various sectors.

However, many individuals in the sector and other global powerhouses have expressed concerns over the use of this technology. Although the U.S. Senate approved the Blockchain Promotion Act in July, there remains some scepticism over the technology. Donald Trump, commenting on cryptos, said that he was not a fan of Bitcoin and other cryptos. He added that technology facilitates drug trade and other illegal activities.

It remains unclear whether the U.S. will adopt the use of Blockchain for the 2020 US elections. However, if the state incorporates the technology and ends up having a successful and unrigged election, the crypto space expects a domino effect. The President-Elect will end up having more faith in the technology, which may then lead to the state fully embracing the technology. The ultimate result would be the mass adoption of Blockchain and cryptocurrencies, not just in the U.S., but globally.

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