On his podcast, Joe Rogan recently discussed Peepeth – an uncensored alternative to Twitter – with American musician Shooter Jennings in light of the Alex Jones censorship situation. This Ethereum-based social media platform, Peepeth, allows its users to post “tweets” that are permanently embedded into the blockchain.

Both Rogan and Jennings generally agreed that Jones should not have been banned from social media platforms, which was a violation of his right to freedom of speech.

Peepeth, on the other hand, does not allow censorship. It uses a platform called Ethereum, which is completely decentralized and doesn’t allow for a third party, government or other users to manipulate the data.

Decentralized systems, as well as apps (dApps), can be a key tool in allowing poor or unprivileged individuals better opportunity to access social media platforms and other online resources while avoiding the need for third-party service providers.

Because of the stability it offers, multiple countries have already started to rely more on Bitcoin and other decentralized systems for income: Turkey and Venezuela are two examples of this.

Of course, blockchain-based projects such as Ethereum and dApps are still reaching toward more regular usage by the general public. Being openly discussed on Joe Rogan’s podcast is a move in the right direction. For these systems to truly be successful, they need to become more widely used.

dApps, Ethereum, and other blockchain technology-based resources have great potential to become more mainstream. In regard to recent events, the general public is eager for a more open, honest, reliable, decentralized platform to be better informed about the world around them.

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