Nebula Genomics, a privacy-focused personal genomics, is the first-ever company to offer anonymous genetic testing. It launched this project on September 19. This feature allows Nebula users to purchase whole-genome sequencing and submit their sample(s) without having to reveal any personal information. 

During the launch, Dennis Grishin the Chief Scientific Officer at Nebula Genomics said, “Today we have presented our vision for privacy-focused personal genomics, and with our launch of anonymous genetic testing, we are taking a step towards turning this vision into reality.”

Nebula Genomics is using blockchain technology to preserve privacy. Also, it allows individuals to take control of their genome sequencing making this is a milestone in the healthcare industry. 

How does it Meet Privacy Requirements ?

This blockchain-based DNA sequencing system will eliminate the dependence on data de-identification required by personal genomics companies before sharing data with researchers.

As revealed in a blog post, individuals will be able to test for genetics without revealing personal information such as their names, address, or credit card number. To meet this privacy objective, the project allows for pseudo-anonymous payments and sample collection using cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. Keep in mind that digital currencies rely on blockchain addresses, which do not provide any links to the actual individual. 

Individuals can pay anonymously, browse, and sign up anonymously, and at the same time, promotes anonymous shipping. With an anonymous sample collection, the company will deliver saliva collection kits to USPS PO boxes. In addition, it comes highly recommended that individuals do not use an email address that may expose any personal information. 

However, it is important to note that while the purchase of genetic testing can be anonymized, it is impossible to anonymize genomic data.  Adoption of blockchain technology in the health industry is gaining popularity. As per a report, the healthcare industry is embracing blockchain, and it is expected that it will better industry operations. In addition, it is bound to increase worldwide income to about $1.6 billion by 2025. Not only is blockchain helping to maintain data privacy, but it is also promoting data accuracy as well as ease in data sharing while upholding on anonymity.

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