
Stakenet is a hybrid Proof of Stake/Masternode cryptocurrency and was launched on the 1st of March 2018, completing a coin swap transition from the old POSW chain (for more details on this swap and the POWS chain please see the Tokenomics section)

The project pitches itself as the first trustless interchain economy. They combine the Lightning Network protocol and Masternodes into a trustless cross-chain platform with a Lightning Decentralised Exchange at the core of its ecosystem.

Scoring Matrix


The Stakenet project launched in March 2018 and there has been significant development on the project over the last 15 months.
Milestones are being met and the team is delivering unique and innovative solutions such as Trustless Proof of Stake.
The hybrid POS/Masternode network allows Stakenet to be one of the most robust blockchains in the industry and highly mitigates the risk of a 51% attack on the network.
The potential loss of Stakenets largest trading market at Cryptopia will be mitigated once the Stakenet DEX launches.

The potential loss of 4.5 million XSN via Cryptopia means holders have their share of the total supply increased.

The team are transparent, skilled and highly organised. From our observation, we can describe them as a well-oiled machine. The project is also recruiting which is positive as it displays the growth of the team.
The community engagement is one of the aspects of the Stakenet project that really stands out. The team and community are highly in sync and the community is highly supportive. 

This is likely due to the governance model employed by the project and the high level of updates that the team provide to the community
One of the things noted in the review for Stakenet is that is a highly organised and professional the whole project is. Little details make a difference here and a lot of projects in the space could take note.

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