Cryptocurrency and blockchain are arguably one of the most disruptive technologies to emerge since the advent of the Internet.

Whilst enjoying ever-increasing publicity, mainstream media have predominantly focused on the price and value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies plus bad news stories; without providing an understanding of the revolutionary concepts behind Blockchain technology and the potential advances it brings to society and you the individual.

Indeed, potential for it’s adoption across all sectors of the economy as not only a more efficient means of transacting but the ability to positively disrupt industries by providing an immutable, public record coupled with automated smart-contract functionality, is the very reason many projects in this space have seen growth values of 10,000%+ in a single year.

Understanding this brave new world, one in which every participant becomes his own bank, or commercial entity through the enablement of peer-to-peer transactions, and the ability to vote autonomously with full public accountability record on government tax spend can be a daunting and complex subject to understand. Very little information is publicly accessible or digestible by those not directly involved in trading, development, implementation or utility.


Before the days of chemistry, alchemy was a term used for the supposed transformation of matter.  It was an early form of chemical technology exploring the nature of substances and particularly the attempt to convert base metals into gold or to find a universal elixir.

The mission at ALChemy is to establish a cryptocurrency and blockchain sustainable community with the aim to educate their members and also to assist them emerging into a path of financial freedom. They cater for all types of traders, whether a novice in the industry or a seasoned trader.


(For as little as 0.012 BTC per month you will have access to the following):

Incentive Programs

ALChemy is incredibly excited to provide their members with three levels of incentive programs. The bronze level incentive is based on a referral program where a member will be rewarded with a once off referral fee. The silver incentive program is based on a series of weekly and monthly based competitions and giveaways. The gold level incentive program is exclusive and will be elaborated on for paying members only.

Algorithmic Based Signals

They take pride in their high rate of accuracy thereby diminishing risk.


You will have access to a wide variety of videos, each detailing you on how to start trading and how to trade successfully. ALChemy also provides 1 on 1 private trading for all members wanting to learn more with the aid of an experienced trader by your side. By joining as a member, they guarantee to turn your current portfolio into a more profitable portfolio

Professional Crypto Signals

When you join ALChemy, you will be exposed to cutting-edge algorithms which tell you exactly when to buy and sell the most popular of cryptocurrencies. This is a tremendous benefit considering that there are over 400 coins on the list.

Beginner Friendly

Their signals do not require any prior knowledge of trading. They teach you everything that you need to know.

Find the best ICO’s

Their VIP workspace has a dedicated team for ICO’s in the forefront of the best new coins before they even released.

News and Articles

Regular updates on current trends, market analysis, monthly reports, news and articles, designed by their exceptionally skilled traders that are always here to help you grow your knowledge and portfolio

For any site-related queries, a walkthrough of their referral program and incentives, or bug reports and/or clarification, please contact: .

Alchemy aims to help both novices, and experienced traders, to maximise their understanding, involvement and financial returns through a user journey that extends to 1-on-1 training of the brave New world of Blockchain and cryptocurrency is, with a provable track record of consistent returns on investment over a pre-defined time period, in accordance to your risk appetite.

Join Alchemy today, and open your mind to the possibilities of Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Investment today through Alchemy: Your crypto journey is Our journey.

Join them today:

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Andy Warhol painting successfully raises multi-million funds using smart contracts and cryptocurrencies.

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