Let us start by saying that cheap and smart are usually not synonymous in the cryptocurrency sector. Legitimate is also a very loosely-used term, as most cheaper coins are very early in their development and adoption cycles and have yet to prove their legitimacy in many cases. That being said, there are a few standout coins that we think are definitely worth a look and may fit the criteria of being as close to those three things as the sector offers. Also, as most coins that are cheap also have huge circulating and maximum supplies of coins, we would suggest you not look at what is necessarily cheap, but what has a lot of growth potential in terms of market capitalization. That may be a better way of choosing assets with the most upside potential.

If you look for just cheap, then a coin with billions of total coins will always be cheaper than one with only millions of total coins. Rather than looking at the per coin price, we will give you three coins that we think have a lot of growth potential, seem legitimate, and are based on smart technologies. That being said, we are not advising anyone to invest without first speaking to a licensed financial advisor and never invest more than you are willing to lose.


IOTA is a coin worth under $1.15 at the moment and is actually one of the smarter coins in terms of technology. Rather than using traditional blockchain technology, IOTA looks to use hashgraph technology, which is a newer, ledger-based system. With hashgraph, transaction fees are always free and as the network becomes more adopted and full of users, rather than slowing down the network, the network uses that traffic to become faster. This ultimately could eliminate a lot of the shortcomings with scalability that many of the top-tier cryptocurrencies are facing.

 In terms of legitimacy, IOTA has a very strong and well-rounded development team and is actually a combination of multiple organizations that are bringing the network to market. Additionally, with a market cap under $3.2 billion USD at the time of this writing, IOTA looks very cheap and could see a potential price spike to similar levels of Ripple. This would make a single coin worth around $12 and equate to an 800-1000% ROI.

IOTA is also the only coin thus far to have a working model for POS (proof of stake) and that could help make it the frontrunner in the future of coins as mining POW is becoming very expensive and hazardous to the environment.


Cardano is a smart contract system that is similar to Ethereum but looks to improve the platform token space in many ways. It allows for a lot more information to be put on the ledger and is much more robustly scalable than Ethereum. Additionally, as the platform gets to learn from a lot of the shortcomings of more established currencies, like ETH, Cardano is looking to be a true third generation cryptocurrency and may be one of the smartest assets in the sector. The mainnet has been implemented, and after testing, if it delivers on its whitepaper promises, it could be a huge gainer.

In terms of cheap, Cardano is currently trading at around $0.15 USD and though it does have a huge supply of coins, it could still potentially hit a market cap similar to Ethereum in the coming years. That would be a 60x ROI (6000%) and could see a single token hit around the $5.00 USD mark. This does, however, depend on the dev team and whether or not they can roll out the project according to their existing road map.


Tronix is likely one of the cheapest and most underrated coins at the moment. It is trading at around 4 cents and has a market cap of under $3.5 billion USD. While TRX is very cheap, it will likely see major price action shortly as its mainnet, EXODUS, has met its scheduled roll out and timeline. Once it fully comes online and prove its concept, the smart tech behind Tronix aims to build a decentralized entertainment distribution system. Entertainment, being a trillion-dollar industry, (think Youtube or Netflix) could make TRX a very valuable asset in the future.

 TRX uses JAVA to code its smart contracts, which is far more widely used by the overall developer industry. Ease of use could see TRX make a bid to eat into ETH market share, and that would definitely take its value far higher. When it comes to legitimacy, Tronix is one of the most open and transparent teams. Led by Justin Sun, a protege of Alibaba billionaire Jack Ma, Justin is regularly on Twitter and internet live streams, updating the huge community around TRX and about the project. We think TRX, if successful with their mainnet launch, could see the coin gain upwards of 500% and see it likely surge its way into the cryptocurrency top 10 once again.

Additionally, TRX has one of the most active followings and is now completely independent of ETH. This means that its token swap was successful. Further rumors have surfaced of major listings and a potential huge secret project that will become public at the end of July. This will likely be an easy win for investors if the coin lives up to the hype and delivers.

Anything Can Happen

While these three coins are all relatively cheap, seem legitimate, and are based on some of the smartest ideas in the sector, this can change with little to no prior warning. They are all very early in their adoption and creation cycles, so constant monitoring of these types of assets is suggested to ensure losses can be avoided.

Also, no one knows which of these types of assets will prove to be successful in the future. That’s why, here at CoinBeat, we strongly suggest an index strategy that holds a very diverse portfolio approach to investing and perhaps even buying all three and then some. If you are unsure of how to set up a proper index strategy or are not comfortable trading or do not have the time to remain diligent in a 24-hour market, consult with a professional advisor and never risk more than your willing to lose. The entire market has taken quite a hit in the past six months and no one can 100% predict where it will go next. That being said, all three of these coins are poised to rebound heavily when the current bear market reverses. Investors getting in now should make a pretty penny on that rebound.

While most people attempt to buy, trade, and make quick money in the cryptocurrency markets, few actually do the due diligence required to make positive gains. In this industry, staying up to date with news and being above the informational curve is paramount to success. CoinBeat’s daily, weekly and special coverage reporting aims to bridge the informational gap and is a great place to get the latest information to ensure you trade, invest, and stay updated on the latest and most relevant information and news affecting the industry.

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